Acid wash Rinçage nettoyant VCP Hair care 177 ml
$34.99 instead of $34.70
Analog Shampooing mousse démêlant Shampoo 177 ml
$36.99 instead of $43.40
Atlantis Après-shampooing hydratant Conditioner 241 ml
$41.99 instead of $41.30
Foil Laque anti-frisottis et anti-statique Hairstyling products 193 ml
$43.99 instead of $43.40
Freeway Hairstyling products 198 ml
$34.99 instead of $34.70
High dive Crème hydratation + brillance Hair care 147 ml
$43.99 instead of $48.80
Skyline Shampooing sec poudre Shampoo 28 g
$40.99 instead of $40.20
Waterfall Lotion hydratation + Brillance Hair care 147 ml
$41.99 instead of $41.30